Server RF Offline 2.1.5;9692812;/fileinfo.htmlWebserver;9772800;/fileinfo.htmlClient Launcher;9773110;/fileinfo.htmlDatabase Dump;9772808;/fileinfo.html
ODBC.txt;9773114;/fileinfo.htmlOfficial RF Client SQL 2005 Management Studio
1: Download all files from the links above
2: Download Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and install it. Extract the Database Dump file and open it up. Now open up MSSQL and start to restore all the databases (Note: The database names must be exactly the same names as you find them in the database dump file). To create a database, simply right-click and select "New database" to create a database. To restore a database, right click on one and select "All tasks" then click on "Restore database" and locate the file from the Database Dump.
3: Now create your ODBC connections using the information given in the ODBC.txt file. (Note: You must do this after you restore your databases). The text file contains the name of the ODBC on the first line and the database which should be set as the default is on the second line. All these connections should be set as "SQL Native client" and have the IP,61433 by default. Leave the username and password as NT authent.
4: Now create a user and call it coin. The password should be password and its default database set to coin_test
5: Now install the webserver. Once everything seems like it's in working order, you can edit the PHP files for a website register/game.
6: Now install the server with the autoinstaller. Don't do anything with the contents of the folder.
7: Now install the official client. Install it to an entirely different directory than your server, run it and let it update (if it needs to). Your client folder will now take up about 4GB of HDD space. Now unpack the launcher and replace the official one with it.
Start up the files in this order:
Start the webserver -> C:\G4Webserver and click on start.bat
Start the worldserver -> \64bit server\worldBin\ZoneServerEP2.exe
Wait until the worldserver has fully loaded. A prompt will pop up to alert you it has finished loading.
Start the Login Server -> \64bit server\ep2login\LoginServer.exe
Start the Account Server -> \64bit server\ep2login\AccountServerSD.exe
Wait until they are fully loaded then type into the login server window only /open and press enter. This will allow logins.
NOTE: You can only stop the webserver using stop.bat which will be in the same directory as the Webserver. if you shut it down with taskmanager or anything else, things will go pear-shaped and you'll be required to restart your PC.
open a webpage and browse to 127.0.01. click on registration and make an account. if you did everything right it should say "account created" + the entry should be in your database under RF_User for the table tbl_LUAccount. If the account is not listed under here you screwed something up and should verify all the above steps because nothing else will work. If you cant figure it out then re-do all the steps from scratch. Start your playing client using the BoaR 127 launcher, and wait for it to load. you can even re-test making a account from here if you wish. login, and choose the Novus world. have fun !